J&T Finance Group closed previous year with a consolidated net profit amounting to EUR 90.3 million, which represents a year-on-year increase of 90%. This is implied by the audited consolidated results (IFRS). Besides the stable results of J&T Banka and the acquisition of Poštová banka, the profit amount was also influenced by the sale of non-banking activities into a newly established holding J&T Private Equity Group.
The balance sheet sum of J&T Finance Group reached EUR 8.4 billion at the end of the year when it grew by 45% year-on-year (by EUR 2.6 billion in absolute numbers). At the same time, shareholders increased the capital by EUR 192 million in the second half of the year. Thus, the equity capital reached the amount of EUR 1.012 billion on 31 December 2013.
At the end of the year J&T Group experienced an increase in client deposits of 64% to the level of EUR 6.45 billion and thus, it strengthened its position in the banking area. This was achieved also owing to the positive results of private J&T Banka, whose profit amounted to CZK 1.069 billion and whose balance sheet sum exceeded the level of 110 billion (an increase of 25%) in 2013. By finishing the acquisition of the 88.05% share of Poštová banka (as at 1 July 2013) the Group extended the portfolio of the services it provides with the retail segment and considerably increased its client base. This step also had an impact on the Group’s consolidated profit, which includes profit of Poštová banka for the 2nd half of last year amounting to EUR 29 million.
J&T Finance Group SE will continue focussing on the provision of services and products in the area of finance, investment and banking. It intends to develop its activities not only in the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republic, but also in the region of east and south Europe (Croatia).