J&T BANKA closed the second quarter with the net consolidated profit in the amount of CZK 934 million

According to the non-audited consolidated results, J&T BANKA, one of the most important private banks on the Czech market, closed the first half of this year with the net profit in the amount of CZK 934 million. It thus continues in the successful period of last two years. Operating profit for the respective period was CZK 1.030 billion, representing annual increase by 47%.

Balance sum as of the end of June registered increase by 40 % when reaching the amount exceeding CZK 125 billion. This increase is caused particularly by the annual increase in the deposits of clients by 35 %, reaching the level of almost CZK 100 billion. The growth was registered also for the loans, increasing by 46 % compared with the last year, while reaching the amount exceeding CZK 69 billion at the end of June. Igor Kováč, a member of J&T Banka board makes the following comment to the growing interest in financing: „We are pleased by the interest of clients in provision of financing for their own projects, with no regard to the size of idea,“

In the second quarter, J&T Banka acquired 58.33% property interest in the company VABA d.d. banka Varaždin and extended its operations to Croatian market.

The bank is planning further growth and strengthening its position on the market. As the first one in the region, the bank issued perpetuity certificates attracting a significant interest of investors. At the end of first half of the year, the bank equity capital was CZK 14.69 billion.

A the end of the second quarter of 2014, J&T BANKA showed capital adequacy on the consolidated basis at the level of 12.5 %.